Tuesday, 30 April 2013

6 men who planned a terror attack in England

Police booking photos show, top left to right, Anzal Hussain, Mohammed Hasseen and Omar Mohammed Khan; bottom left to right, Jewel Uddin, Mohammed Saud and Zohaib Kamran Ahmed.

These six men planned a terror attack in central Englan where there was a rally going on. But luckily the rally ended before they could strike. The police found the following items during a routine traffic check machetes, knives, sawed-off shotguns and at least one crude bomb packed with nails. The rally that tooke place on April 2005 which was an anti-muslim rally. These six men were found with Al-Qaeda magazine in their car.  It called Queen Elizabeth II a non-Muslim “female devil” bent on “fooling a nation of blind sheep” and labeled the English Defense League as “enemies of Allah” who deserved to die for blaspheming Islam.

They are to be sentenced later.

30th April 2013

Woke up in the morning grumpy as always. Mum went out actually for work but dad was at home, thought my day was gonna get any worse but unfortunately had a gift from heaven...............that was a smiley face :)
Our neighbors (who had caused us lots of troubles) family members who had been around for about 4-5 months now are finally leaving to their husbands houses together with their kids............which is like a very great new to us.
Well my sis baked bread for the first time today, though it wasn't as good as the one we buy in stores but she tried, going to get better next time i'm sure.
Got headache now, just want to get some sleep..................anywho gotta hit it, so good night, love ya.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Kim Kardashian's baby bump

Look at that baby bump.......awe!
So happy for her.

Kim with boyfriend Kanye West.

Is Justin and Selena back together?

This photo was posted by Justin on April 24th 2013 on instagram by Bieber. Well not sure whether these two youngsters are back together or not. Some Bieber and Selena fans seem to be happy about it while some are wondering why? And some are sad :(


         Whenever i take out my book to read, i start having this unexplained headache, my stomach gets empty, i start feeling dizzy and sleepy. At first it was only when it comes to calculations, buy now its with sciences. I am an art student, hate calculations, hate laboratories, hate chemicals, hate drugs, hate numbers..............lol


EmO hOOdies

                                        EMO HOODIES

Looks romantic, "remembering my bf" awe so cute.

Damn love this skeleton drawing on it, its like "OMG its my x-ray" LOL.

She looks freaky but cool, nice colour awesome graffiti and did i say HOT? 

White and black emo hOOdie. Comfy, cool, got the emo look.

Friday, 26 April 2013

The man who’s ‘too sexy’ for Saudi Arabia’.

Omar Borkan Al Gala is rumoured to be one of three hunky tourists arrested at a cultural festival in the Saudi capital Riyadh last month.