Love can be crazy. I mean you fall in love and you just can't get that person out of your mind. You stay up all night waiting for that one person to call or text you.
People say you fall in love once but i object, you fall in love for as much as your heart can carry (and that is not admiration my darlings).
How to know you are in love.
1. You keep on thinking about the person.
2. You get all excited when you get a call or text from them.
3. You read the messages they sent you over and over again.
4. It doesn't matter to you how they look, you just like them the way they are.
5. You keep on thinking about your conversations with them.
6. You imagine yourself happily married with the person.
7. You never get tired of talking with him/her.
8. You look at their pics over and over.
9. Staying up all night waiting for their call or text.
10. You get super jealous when they talk to someone you think they might like.
Lots of us have experienced something like this, i mean we all are humans.