Sunday, 11 October 2015

Spinach juice

This is a raw spinach juice i made.
If you don't like the taste of the raw spinach you can heat it (which is what i did).

Method: wash spinach well. I use salt water to wash it and rinse with plain water. I wash leaf-by-leaf. You put few leaves in the blender and add little water, the leaves should not be much so it doesn't overcrowd. Sieve the juice from the residues. You can refrigerate it or boil it then refrigerate if you wish.

On my next post will post a recipe you can make with the spinach residues. You don't have to throw it away. Recycling baby!

;-) :-*

Sunday, 4 October 2015


This is me and my little cousins Ali(whom i call baba) and Mariam.

Cooked spinach topped with mayo

This is a plain cooked spinach i made for my dinner. Well i ate it with toast, you can still have it plain it taste really good.

I put the raw spinach in a boiling water and turn it so as to cook.
I then added little salt to make it tasty.
Top it with mayonaise will add taste.

Bon appetit!